Monday, February 13, 2012

First Meeting

February 13, 2012

What an incredible day!

The day started with Christine, Jonah’s social worker, meeting us at our flat.  We took a short walk to the orphanage.  I can’t express how nervous we were.  When we entered the orphanage the people there were very excited.  Christine introduced us to a few people and then we went to a large room with two couches facing each other.  She said she would ask someone to go get Jonah.  When he was close we could hear one of his caregivers telling him to go see mommy and daddy.  He walked in and pretty much came directly to us.  He gave both of us a piece of Valentine chocolate.  He also had the photo book we sent of us and family and friends.  He came over and sat between us and flipped through the book pointing at all the pictures.  He was very excited and moving really fast from one thing to another.  Christine was taking pictures of us with Katie’s camera.  Then he asked if I had a camera and I did so we got it from my backpack.  Immediately he started taking tons of pictures.  He really enjoyed that and continued wanting to take pictures for the rest of the day.

He was wearing a traditional Chinese outfit and carrying a small panda backpack.  He loves being called handsome boy and he was getting compliments on his suit all day.  We gave him the bear from our video and he wanted to keep up with that throughout the day.  He remembered seeing the Engeldow girls put the hearts in the bear in the video and he took all the clothes off the bear trying to find the hearts. 

After about 30 minutes we left and walked to a park.  It was similar to a botanic garden but also had large caged areas with different kinds of monkeys.  A baby boy and girl monkey had recently been born so there was a special exhibit just for that.  Jonah had been there before and it seemed like he was having a good time.  He definitely got tired but we were doing a lot of walking and there are hills everywhere. 

We went to a Chinese restaurant near the park for lunch.  This was our first time eating with him.  He did really well at the table.  Everything he did, his bear had to do too.  Including eating and using the restroom. 

After lunch we went back to the orphanage and spent some time in the area where he plays and lives.  He was really proud showing us his toys and things.  We played a few games and did some coloring.  His bed is tiny but they had taped a printed photo of us on the headboard.  We also met with his therapists and nurse.   It was really great hearing how encouraging they were.  Clearly he has been loved by many here.  It’s amazing to see how God has protected him throughout his life. 

When we were leaving the facility he asked when he was going to be able to go home with us.  

We feel really good about how this first day went.  A number of people told us how happy he was to have a mommy and daddy now.  I don’t know how much he really understands, but I know he was loving all the attention today.  It was awesome!

On the way out they gave us 3 huge bags filled with his artwork over the past few years.  They said we should decide what to keep and what to throw away.  So Katie spread it all out over the floor and separated it.
Tomorrow we are going back to the orphanage and will be meeting with some officials to sign paperwork.  Then we are taking Jonah out for lunch to get dim sum.  We are also going to visit Jonah’s school which is right next door to the flat.

Family portrait at the park in front of bamboo.  What is more Chinese than that?


  1. The post I've been waiting for! Praise Him! I'm so thankful for a great first day! And what kid wouldn't be excited to have you two as parents? ;)

  2. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. So happy for you guys!

  3. this is so awesome. God is so good! So happy that your family is together, and that JP is so excited and comfortable with you!

  4. That is the most beautiful family portrait I have ever seen! Thank you for sharing! Can't wait to meet him!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Brian & Katie, I am so happy for y'all. He is just precious & sounds like he has a great personality. I pray everything goes smoothly for you!!! Congrats! Barbara Gassaway

  7. What a beautiful family! We are so excited for the three of you!
